Free Masterclass Trainings
No matter where you are in your freelance journey, these trainings will give you the confidence to get started building a thriving business you are proud of.

How to Create A Standout Profile
You have less than 60 seconds to grab someone's attention in your Upwork Profile. How do you position your services with clarity and simplicity so you stand out?
This free masterclass shares the 6 questions your profile must answer to get attention!

The 4 Stages of the Freelancer Journey
Freelancers go through many stages as they start and grow their business. What stage are you at now? When is it time to expand, outsource, or even build a team? In this masterclass I’m going to cover each stage from getting started to scaling, and when to look for the signs that it’s time to move to the next level.
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Freelancer Academy
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training for $17 a month
Masterclass trainings at your finger tips.
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and exclusive member discounts for courses.
Looking for a steady stream of qualified leads?
Leverage the power of the #1 freelance platform in the world.
Check out these paid courses below to get the strategies and step-by-step framework you need to get started today.

Get up and running with this fast paced 2-hour Mini Course giving you the most important tips you need to start a thriving freelance business on Upwork!
If you're new to freelancing and Upwork, I've taken my most requested Upwork Masterclasses and created on-demand video course you can watch anytime.

Accelerate your business with this comprehensive
6-hour Pro Course giving you everything you need to build a thriving freelance business on Upwork!
If you're a freelancer earning over $1000 per month, skip the boring basics and get the exact process (plus bonus templates) I used to earn $125k in my first year.