Join the Full Thrive
Freelancer Academy
On-demand freelancer
training for $17 a month
Masterclass trainings at your finger tips.
Live monthly teaching, Q & A,
and exclusive member discounts for courses.

Build Your Freelance Business Even on a Budget

Exclusive Access
Watch the same training that has helped hundreds of freelancers see results in days, not months. These exclusive masterclasses are not available anywhere online and include:
- Upwork Masterclasses
- Loom Masterclass
- 4 Steps Discovery Call
- Upwork Proposals
- Hourly vs Project
- Copywriting Masterclasses
- Get started with the top 10 trainings, more added each month!

Expert Teaching
Join Lisa, and invited experts, for a private zoom training call each month covering new topics to keep you updated and ahead of the curve.
Topics such as:
- Streamlining systems & processes
- Wireframing & Whitelabeling
- When to hire or outsource
- Pricing and proposals
- Onboarding clients
- Business operations
- New teaching each month

Member Discounts
Get access to courses and coaching with an exclusive discount only available to Inner Circle Members. Get the absolute lowest price on proven courses, templates, and training that will cut 2 years off your learning curve.
Courses including:
- Upwork Pro Course
- Discovery Call Bootcamp
- Signature Process
- Business Finance Quickstarter
Getting started can be tough.
Not everyone has the luxury of investing in courses or hiring a coach when they are just starting out. Maybe you're exploring freelancing or only curious Upwork? Here's why Freelancer Academy is a smart move.
4 Ways To Learn
Unlimited replay of your favorite masterclasses. Live training each month with Lisa & Guest Experts.
Get your questions answered in a live Q & A Session. Binge courses to level-up your business skills.

For the price of two fancy coffees a week...
Get the insider strategies that expert freelancers use and build a thriving business you're proud of.
Join Freelancer Academy today.
Hey, I'm Lisa!
I make my own cold brew coffee, CrossFit in my garage and manage to keep 3 kids alive...
And when I'm not playing Mom, or writing copy for clients, I'm coaching other freelancers how to take their passion from part-time freelancer to full-time business owner.
Over the past 5 years I've built a 6-figure freelance copywriting business on Upwork from my kitchen table. I know what it takes to:
- Find clients you like
- Charge what you're worth
- Create a signature process
- Scale a 6-figure business
I made the leap from part-time freelancer to full-time business less than 2 years, I'd love to help you do the same.

"I got answers to questions
I didn't even know to ask"
You won't find a training like this anywhere else, if you want to start freelancing or take your freelancing to the next level this is the masterclass for you! Lisa will walk you through the process, lay out your path and answer the questions you didn't know to ask.
Justin Ardrey - CRM Automation Specialist

"Lisa's classes have given me a competitive advantage"
The techniques I learned from Lisa's Masterclass over a year ago are still landing me clients today! You'll learn how to show up with confidence and techniques that actually land clients. I know for a fact that Lisa's classes have given me an edge / competitive advantage compared to my peers.
Gwen Murray - Brand Marketing Strategist
Exclusive Trainings Only Available To Members
Here's a sneak peek at the a few of the 45+ masterclass trainings that will be included in Freelancer Academy, start with the top 10 masterclass replays and new teachings added every month!

Learn At Your Own Pace
Instead of drinking from a firehose, the trainings in Freelancer Academy allow you to go at your own pace. Come back any time when you have a question or need a refresher.
Upgrade to a paid course when the time is right. Get started as a founding member for just $17, and build your business like a pro, one step at time.